Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Announcing: Ring out the Old, Ring in the New!

It is that time of year again - to reflect on the past year, to clear up loose ends and to plan for the year ahead. In that skein, we have a few thoughts to share and plans to kick off the new year...


Thank you for making the launch of Knit 1, Take 2 so successful. This idea of a supportive, creative environment started with 3 people in August and has blossomed into a group of 40 people with 2 meetings per week. We are amazed, inspired, encouraged, challenged and loving every minute of it! We deeply appreciate you.

Next meeting

Our next meeting is January 3rd. Knit 1s (Beginner/Intermediates) will be from 12:00 - 1:30 pm. Take 2s (Intermediate/Advanceds) will be from 2:00 - 4:00 pm. The discussion topic will be any last minute questions/comments before we start our new projects. Both groups, please bring the swatches that were to be ready for our last meeting.

Party - you'd better get ready!
Well, we are going to ring out the old and ring in the new - knit style. Our party will be on January 10th (directions to location to follow). There will be no meeting at Waves that week. We have a great group of volunteers to help with the preparation. Here is what we have planned:
- Yarn swap: Chances are you have some yarn that has been sitting in your stash, longing to find a purpose and you haven't gotten around to using it. Now is your chance to clean out your yarn box(es) and find a good home for all the yarn you won't use. 
Please bring one yarn for our gift exchange. You may package up and bring other yarn that you would like to sell or swap.
- Resolutions: Our show and tell will be one project that you would like to commit to finishing by the end of the year. This can be a brand new idea or one that has been waiting in your project pile for a while.
- Making amends: Our topic for the discussion time will be about fixing knitting mistakes. Feel free to bring a project that you need some help/encouragement on fixing.
You will be receiving an evite to our party to help us plan for the food and refreshments. The cost will be $5. Please respond to the evite - you may also add friends to the invitation list. This is a joint event for Knit 1s and Take 2s - look out!

We hope you like what we have planned - and look forward to your continued feedback to make Knit 1, Take 2 a place where you can Knit, Laugh, Learn and Share.

Yarn over and out,

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