Thursday, January 7, 2010

Knit 1, Take 2 New Year Party: Making Amends

You won't want to miss our New Year Party this Sunday! There will be no meeting at Waves this week. See below for the party address. We have a great group of volunteers to help with the preparation. Here is what we have planned:- Yarn swap: Chances are you have some yarn that has been sitting in your stash, longing to find a purpose and you haven't gotten around to using it. Now is your chance to clean out your yarn box(es) and find a good home for all the yarn you won't use. 
Please bring one yarn for our gift exchange.We suggest one 100g ball or two 50g balls - or be creative! You may package up and bring other yarn that you would like to sell or swap.
- Resolutions: Our show and tell will be one project that you would like to commit to finishing by the end of the year. This can be a brand new idea or one that has been waiting in your project pile for a while.
- Making amends: Our topic for the discussion time will be about fixing knitting mistakes. Feel free to bring a project that you need some help/encouragement on fixing.
If you have not responded to the evite yet, please do so right away to help us plan for the food and refreshments. The cost will be $5. You may also add friends to the invitation list. This is a joint event for Knit 1s and Take 2s so will be a great time for both groups to socialize. This was one of the things that you requested in our survey in October. It should be great fun!
Yarn sales: Just a reminder that Dressew still has some beautiful yarns on at an amazing bargain of $2 per ball. We've also heard that they have designer pattern books on sale for about $5. Also, Three Bags Full is having their annual yarn sale this weekend. Good thing we are having a yarn swap so you can make room for your new treasures!

Time: 12:00 - 4:00 pm (Please let us know ahead of time if you are going to be late so that we can send you a cell # to be able to get in the gate)

Cost: $5

Location: 211 12th Street. This is directly across the street from New Westminster Toyota.  If you are travelling west, the 112 Bus, Lougheed Station or New Westminster Station or Edmonds Station stops directly in front. The closest Skytrain station is New Westminster where you can also get the 112 Edmonds station.
Yarn over and out,


  1. well, THAT was great! I've never seen a gift exchange in action, but found the yarn swap hugely entertaining. Can't believe how many miles that ball of Fisherman's yarn has on it already...

    Thanks again to Anne and Steve (and the mythical Joei) for having the inspiration to form this group, and the persistence to keep it going.

  2. I want to drop a line and thank you all for letting me crash your Christmass Party. I had a really good time. I hope to catch you again at Waves. Unfortunately prior committments are conspiring against me so far.


  3. Leah, you are welcome. We are glad you came out and you can find us at waves every Sunday. Come when you can and make sure we have your e-mail address to add to the list.
